Catalogue directory
Arbors and adapters
Milling cutter bodies
Face milling cutters
Square shoulder face milling + slotting cutters
Square shoulder, slotting and chamfering milling cutters
Copy cutters
Face milling / Square shoulder face milling / Copy cutters
Rhombic cutters
Cutters for non-ferrous materials
Ball end bull end mill cutters
Cutters for inserts with 4 cutting edges
diam. 10 mm - 20 mm
Corner radius- / High feed rate cutters
High feed rate cutters (HSC)
Solid carbide end mills
Milling cutter bodies
Ball end bull end mill cutters
Cutters for inserts with 4 cutting edges
Cutters for inserts with 4 cutting edges
Mill cutter with special insert geometry for roughening and rough finishing operations on modern HSC 5-axis machines.
further subitems
diam. 10 mm - 20 mm
one level backwards