Catalogue directory
Arbors and adapters
Milling cutter bodies
Face milling cutters
Square shoulder face milling + slotting cutters
Square shoulder, slotting and chamfering milling cutters
Copy cutters
r3.5 - diam. 16 - 35 mm, 7° positive rake angle
r5 - diam. 20 - 52 mm, 7° positive rake angle
r6 - diam. 32 - 66 mm, 7° positive rake angle
r8 - diam. 40 - 100 mm, 7° positive rake angle
Cutters for round inserts - k0-90°
Face milling / Square shoulder face milling / Copy cutters
Rhombic cutters
Cutters for non-ferrous materials
Ball end bull end mill cutters
Corner radius- / High feed rate cutters
High feed rate cutters (HSC)
Solid carbide end mills
Milling cutter bodies
Copy cutters
Unique time-saving tool system with self-rotating inserts for a multiple increase in tool life and chip volumes without stopping the production process.
available data-files
Spinworx / drehende Rundplatte
further subitems
r3.5 - diam. 16 - 35 mm, 7° positive rake angle
r5 - diam. 20 - 52 mm, 7° positive rake angle
r6 - diam. 32 - 66 mm, 7° positive rake angle
r8 - diam. 40 - 100 mm, 7° positive rake angle
one level backwards